At Spangler, Pacheco & Werbelow we couldn’t deliver the high quality legal representation to our valued clients without the backbone of a great support staff. Our paralegals perform important legal research and analysis. They also draft complex procedural motions and legal briefs. Our legals assistants keep everything running smoothly by keeping complicated case files in order. They work diligently to keep all our deadlines are met and that our office runs efficiently. We are thankful everyday for our most valuable staff and you will be to when you choose Spangler, Pacheco & Werbelow.

Debra Torrez
Paralegal/Legal Assistant
Debra joined Spangler, Pacheco & Werbelow P.A. in 2006 and has over 22 years of experience as a paralegal/legal assistant. Debra earned her Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies. Debra works closely with the attorneys in our office with Real Estate transactions and Civil litigation cases. Debra also assists the attorneys in our office with complex estate transaction and entity related matters. Debra is an asset to our firm, and if assigned to your case, will work with determination and diligence to resolve your legal issues.